Kickstart Your Mornings With These Recipes: Rise and Shine With Energy

Kickstart Your Mornings With These Recipes: Rise and Shine With Energy

Hi there! Like you probably are in the mornings I too struggle to get myself out of bed in the mornings. I just can't. Until I made a commitment to myself to start my day off with a glass of juice from my JuiceMuse. As it reaches my tummy I can feel the fruits releasing off an abundance of energy inside me and ever since then I look forward to my morning juice. Please be my guest as we explore what my favorite fruit pairings are and their benefits. 

Strawberry & Kiwi

Mmmm... I had to start off with a classic (and in my opinion the best pairing on this list). These two fruits together culminate into a sweet but also tangy drink that wakes me up regardless of how much sleep I got. Not only is it to die for but its bursting with fiber and much needed vitamin C. 

Mixed Berries

Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and more! You can absolutely put these in your JuiceMuse and when you try you won't regret it. This one always surprises me for its simplicity and effectiveness. Not to mention it is a powerhouse of antioxidants. 

Grapefruit, Orange & Lemon 

Tangy, Sweet and, Smooth.  Want to know a hack to glowing and radiant skin? You guessed it, these three fruits combined are the ultimate elixir for supermodel skin and offer enough vitamin C to last you a week! 

Raspberry, Peach & Mango

Who would've guessed? This combination tastes like tropical heaven and feels like it to. This drink will please your gut and your sweet tooth. 

Dragon-fruit & Watermelon

I'm ending this list with a very exotic choice. Dragon-fruit on its own is not the most popular choice but paired with watermelon its a whole different story. Pro tip: try adding a leaf of mint on top to enhance this drinks refreshing qualities. 

I highly urge you try at least one of these pairings if you haven't already. Now I have to go and prepare some juice because my mouth is watering at this list. 

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